Comparsas of Carnaval

Comparsas of Carnaval

Description Transmission and Safeguarding Practices Continuity of Comparsas of Carnaval Associated Cultural Forms, Traditions and Knowledge Carnaval; Spaces for Enactment Communities and Groups Involved Other Sources of Information Contributors to this Article (including Belize ICH Network Members, National Institute of … Continued
Brokdong Music

Brokdong Music

Description Transmission and Safeguarding Practices Continuity of Brokdong Associated Cultural Forms, Traditions and Knowledge (What other cultural forms and traditions, skills and knowledge are necessary for carrying out this practice?) Spaces for Enactment (What places, spaces and locations are integral … Continued
Maya Day Tumul K’in

Maya Day Tumul K’in

Description Transmission Practices What Can Be Learned From This Model? Associated Cultural Forms, Traditions and Knowledge (What other cultural forms and traditions, skills and knowledge are necessary for carrying out this practice?) Spaces for Enactment (What places, spaces and locations … Continued
Maroon Creole Drum School

Maroon Creole Drum School

Description Transmission Practices What Can Be Learned From This Model? Associated Cultural Forms, Traditions and Knowledge (What other cultural forms and traditions, skills and knowledge are necessary for carrying out this practice?) Spaces for Enactment (What places, spaces and locations … Continued
La Chatona

La Chatona

Description La Chatona is a female effigy and folkloric character most commonly associated with Benque Viejo del Carmen Town and surrounding western communities. She consists of a large female mannequin framed out of pleated bayal, a tropical vine. The hollow … Continued


Description Transmission and Safeguarding Practices Continuity of Wanaragua Associated Cultural Forms, Traditions and Knowledge (What other cultural forms and traditions, skills and knowledge are necessary for carrying out this practice?) Spaces for Enactment (What places, spaces and locations are integral … Continued


Description Transmission and Safeguarding Practices Continuity of the Sambai Associated Cultural Forms, Traditions and Knowledge (What other cultural forms and traditions, skills and knowledge are necessary for carrying out this practice?) Christmas Bram; Brokdong Music; Spaces for Enactment (What places, … Continued
San Joaquin Fiesta

San Joaquin Fiesta

Description The San Joaquin Fiesta is an annual religious and cultural celebration held in San Joaquin Village, Corozal District. According to oral histories passed down within the community, refugees of the Caste War of Yucatan who traveled from Bacalar, Mexico … Continued
Garifuna Settlement Day & Yurumein

Garifuna Settlement Day & Yurumein

Description One of the largest cultural celebrations in Belize is Garifuna Settlement Day, held annually on 19th November. According to historical accounts, the Garinagu began migrating to Belize, formerly British Honduras, from as early as 1802. The largest group is … Continued


Description Carnaval is a pre-lenten festivity once widely practiced in northern Belize, and other Maya Mestizo communities. The festivity commences with the enmascarados, the masked dancers who go throughout the community signaling Carnaval’s proximity. The highlight of this celebration is … Continued